This is my latest spin, Lichen, it is fresh off the niddy noddy so hasn't been soaked or set yet, hence the curly cues. But the colors are soft and lovely.
Again I haven't soaked this and blocked it. When I do, that should open up the lace pattern nicely. but the part I wanted to show was the second picture. I spun this yarn too, I had a pound of roving and spun up 8 ounces, got a nice thick cushy yarn. Started knitting. Got to the final 9 rows when I ran out of yarn, see the first two ends? That is where I ran out. Now I knew I had plenty of roving to spin and be able to finish the blanket. However, I was spinning other things and didn't want to start, just for 9 rows. So I had one bobbin that I still had some of the original singles on, I didn't spin each bobbin quite consistently so ran out of one bobbin before I finished the other. I took that small amount of singles, hand wound half of it off on to a second bobbin and then plyed that together, hoping I'd end up with enough 2 ply yarn to finish off 9 rows. I wound up with 10 yards. Now 10 yards for 9 rows sounds pretty good, until you realize I was knitting in garter stitch, which is a yarn hog. But I started knitting, and knew when I got done with row 7 of 9 that I wouldn't get another 2 rows, so I went ahead and started binding off. As I got half way I started to panic and followed the Yarn Harlot's method when she fears she is running out of yarn, I knit as fast as I could hoping I'd outrace the yarn! Well see that tiny 1 inch blue bit of yarn in the corner? Yup, that is all I had left. The knitting fairy was very kind to me. And the best part? I now have 8 ounces of the same roving I can still spin for something else.