

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

My two girls are the joy of my life.  I waited a long time for children.  Wondering if I even would have them.  With international adoption, my life was forever changed.  I remember sitting in church for years on Mother's Day.  Painfully listening and watching mom's being lifted up.  Longing to be someones mom.  Who knew my children would be thousands of miles away from me.  Longing to be someones child.  smile...Now Anna and I have been together for almost 17 years.  Emily joined us 10 years ago.  And we are a family.  And every Mother's Day I sit in church and feel joy but also remembering the pain I felt before my girls.  To anyone reading this who is longing for children and feels the pain of seeing others have something that you so desperately want, there is hope.  You too may find your way to the child that has been made just for you, who is also waiting and hoping for a family.  I will never forget those years and realize how truly special my family is.  I'm blessed.

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