

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Yarnover Aftermath

I've come down from my yearly Yarnover hangover.  smile...One long day surrounded by yarn fumes will give anyone a fibery high!  I had the pleasure of sitting next to Annie Modesitt and her partner Kathleen Pascuzzi who were there selling their new hand dyed yarn, which was amazing.  And I also discovered today while reading the Yarn Harlot's blog post that she took a picture during the day and you can see a bit of my booth as well as me talking to someone behind my rack of fiber and bags. I don't think anyone will recognize my stuff or me, but I got a silly thrill from it!

My weekend was not just filled with Yarnover, nope, we had my whole family staying at our house over the weekend.  That meant we had 6 adults and 2 little girls under two tucked in with the four of us.  It was a house filled to the brim with love.  While it isn't something I would want to do on a regular basis, it was fabulous to have all of us under one roof.  We had not all been together in several years.  It was amazing.

Now I have some breathing room.  I've pushed so hard for 4 months, getting ready for DFW Fiber Fest, Yarnover 3 weeks after that, one sale to my local yarn shop in between and having my family here that I'm beyond exhausted.  I've spun over 60 skeins of yarn in those 4 months.  That is a lot.  I have time now before my next scheduled events in late summer/early fall.  I finally have a chance to knit again.  I have a chance to possibly teach a couple classes in knitting and I'm working up what I think will work.  Stay tuned, it is a new adventure for me.

1 comment:

Kathryn Ray said...

Congratulations on a successful Yarn Over and continuous stream of events... and congratulations for being captured by the Yarn Harlot. :-)