When I'm knitting lace and it is the same pattern repeat that I had in the last update, there really isn't much to photograph to show. Just more of the same. It is pretty, but just more of the same. But I'm on the 7th repeat of 14, so whoo hoo! I still love it and it actually moves along quickly but just not much to show. I did break out the
electric lime green roving from my stash basket and started spinning it last night to combat the blahness of knitting with cream yarn in a dreary stretch of winter days/nights in Minnesota. It is spinning up nicely, I'm trying to get a bit of a thicker yarn, with more bounce and squishness quota than I've been getting lately. So I'm slowing down on my treadling spead and trying to take my time instead of chanting faster and faster and faster as I spin.
I went on a roving search this week. While there are a few yarn shops in the area that also sell roving, it isn't as easy for me to get as yarn. So I started trolling the net to find some possible new shopping places that include purchasing directly from a sheep or alpaca farm in the area. What fun. I found Becky at
the River Oaks Farm I emailed her and after a series of exchanges ordered some beautiful charcoal gray/black roving. It is soft and feels great. Her service was extraordinaryly quick. I confirmed my order in the afternoon of Tuesday and Wed had a box of roving waiting for me at my house. Talk about wonderful service. I can't wait to spin it up. (or take a picture of it, sorry!)
I'm also exchanging emails with a yarn shop in Wisconsin near my sister's home in Barnes. She is calling some local sheep farmers and finding out what wool they may have for sale and will get back with me. Again, that is going above and beyond customer service. Can't wait to find out what wool the wilds of Wisconsin may have.
So this weekend I will kint and spin and I will try to take pictures of the results. The lime green roving reminds me of a slushy and in this weather seems appropriate to spin.