

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Winter that will not end

March is a tough month.  Intellectually you understand you will have snow yet but when you look out and there are literally mounds 7 feet high surrounding your driveway you think it will never end.  And add to that when you wake up there is another 3 inches of fluff to shovel.  It could make a person weep.  I refuse to listen to the weather anymore, all they talk about is more snow.  Wednesday, more snow.  March 19th BIG SNOW!  Seriously, we are talking about the 19th?  sigh...I give. But even I'm to the point of blubbering when the weather comes on.  Please make it stop...they are taking bets about how long it will take for some central snow dump sites to fully melt. (baby mountains, 30+ feet high, just as long) Bets are heavy into JUNE.  And that is only if we get no more snow.  Wonder if I could place a bet for July!

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